Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello World.

This is the first post of what is probably my 8th blog. I had one in middle school and one in high school that I used very regularly. I have tried to start a few more since then but never quite stuck to it. I also have a blog that I share with my sister in laws. I quite like the blog but I have grown quite tired of being the only one out of the four of us to actually post. I feel that the only time I really see them post is when I urge them to. I also feel like I can't always speak my mind on that blog. And thus, I have created Sarah said what now?!?!?!

I'm gong to post whatever I want. Don't hold back.

If you want to visit my other blog that is shared with my sister in laws you can do so by going to The Royal SILC blog. We recently had another SILC lunch this past Saturday and I should probably be updating that.... But I'm not. So there.

